Model Photoshoot Poses for Your Photography | Female Model Poses | Fashion Model Poses Photoshoot for Nigerian Photographers

Poses to augment your photoshoots and images.

Sample Model Posing tips for your models :

  1. Do something out of the ordinary.
  2. Awkward is good..  nobody likes posing awkwardly but they do get some conversation started!
  3. Play with light and shadow, emphasize a play of shape and size.. with contrast.
  4. Posing is like dancing, maybe add music to your shoot and see if the model gets intro the groove.
  5. Props, have lots of it, scarves, hats, extra shirts, glasses, shades, shoes, and anything else that will add more interest in the photo.
  6. Photography has many elements, best to combine elements and present them in a different way..  learn to use  line, shape, form, texture, color, pattern and space to your advantage.
  7. Build rapport with your model before the shoot and not during the shoot.
  8. Don’t forget your model release form! Protect your IP and make sure you have permission to show it off!
  9. If you have a posing list or a emotion list that you want executed, show them before hand so they can do, practice before the shoot and get what you want easily.

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